Claquetap Dance Studio
Claquetap Dance Studio Madrid is a space dedicated to teaching tap dance for all ages in a pleasant and modern environment. In the KIDS class programme we also offer modern dance as a complement to your training. In our centre located at Calle Cruz del Sur number 5 in Madrid you can learn to tap dance for adults. There are also some tap dancing classes for children.
We have a staff of teachers with great professional trajectory and vocation, who continue training and updating in each of the disciplines they teach. All our groups are divided by level or age to ensure better teaching and learning.
The great success of Claquetap is due to its fun and dynamic classes, to the closeness and personalised treatment with all the students and to the human quality and professionalism of its entire team.
WE HAVE THE BEST FLOOR IN MADRID TO DANCE! Forget about injuries from dancing on floors that are not special for dance activities. Our 65 m2 hall has a 22 mm solid oak floor that is installed on a wooden batten system with exclusive rubber pads for impact absorption and injury prevention.
If you want to know more about our school, our schedules or register directly contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Claquetap Dance Studio
Monday de 17:30 a 21:30
Tuesday de 17:30 a 21:30
Wednesday de 17:30 a 21:30
Thursday de 18:30 a 21:30
Saturday de 11:00 a 14:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Claquetap Dance Studio courses