Víctor Ullate Ballet
In 1983, Victor Ullate founded the School of Dance and AAEE Victor Ullate, a Center of Excellence, which offers a Private Degree in Classical Dance, Integral Actor and Modern Dance and has trained dancers of international prestige, such as Tamara Rojo, Ángel Corella, Joaquín de Luz or Lucia Lacarra, currently Director of the English National Ballet, director of Pennsylvania.
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Víctor Ullate Ballet
Monday de 09:00 a 23:00
Tuesday de 09:00 a 23:00
Wednesday de 09:00 a 23:00
Thursday de 09:00 a 23:00
Fryday de 09:00 a 23:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Víctor Ullate Ballet courses