All the schools say of themselves that they are the "best schools", and surely they are, according to their own criteria, because all the schools are different and each one of us has our own characteristics and our hallmark.
We do not know if we are the best, but we do assure you the fun.
Would you like to learn to dance? But it seems complicated. Also, you're alone or alone and it scares you a little, or your partner is a bit embarrassed .., and you do not know any trusted place to learn ...
Come on! Stop seeing everything black, and follow this little light that just appeared in front of you. If you want to learn to dance, come with us!
Summer is the ideal time. Sign up for a workshop and dance whatever catches your attention. They are short, only 4 hours, perfect to try to see if you like that of salsa, bachata, tango, ballroom dancing, kizomba, sevillanas .... For that we have the courses of level 1 - Beginners .
And if you already know and want to improve and advance what you already know, we also have many things for you, in the intermediate and advanced levels: The different modalities of salsa and bachata, milonga, sevillanas, flamenco, technique and style for girls.
And if you're worried about what you're going to find, forget it! As soon as you start, after 5 minutes all the bad things happen to you, because you realize that the atmosphere is very relaxed and fun, and it does not matter if you are doing well or not so well, because the laughter and fun are insured You will meet many new people, you will make new friendships and your life will change a little, for good ...
On our website you can find all our programming for July and the first half of August (do not take it as definitive, it is possible that some courses may change exceptionally).
We are located at C / Azcona No. 44 (door on the left), 1st floor.- Metro: Diego de León.
To reserve, write us an e-mail: abailar@abailarmadrid.com
You can find us here on Facebook: Abailarmadrid, and on Instagram: Abailarmadrid
Request information
Opening hours to the public of ABAILARMADRID
Monday de 18:00 a 22:30
Tuesday de 18:00 a 22:30
Wednesday de 18:00 a 22:30
Thursday de 18:00 a 22:30
Fryday de 18:00 a 22:30
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at ABAILARMADRID courses