At Dame2Salsa we give Cuban wheel lessons, as it seems to us to be the best way to learn Cuban salsa. By going all at once, the student assimilates the rhythm more quickly, and internalizes the rhythmic patterns typical of salsa. The constant change of partner means that they don't get used to just one person, which prepares them for social dancing (discos, dance halls, etc.).
In salsa, as in many ballroom dances, we have the role of the person who leads (leader or pilot) and the role of the person who lets himself go (follower/follower or co-pilot). Traditionally, the role of the leader has been played by the boy and the role of the follower has been played by the girl. Both teachers dance both roles and the choice of which role you want to learn is exclusively from the students, regardless of their sex. We never force a student to dance both roles because we think it's much better to focus on one and learn it very well.
Our groups are small and balanced. We believe that when there are few people we can devote more time and attention to individual students. That's why our groups have a maximum of 16 people (some only 10!) and always two teachers in class. We always have the same number of places for leaders and followers in a group, for example in a group of 10 people there are 5 places for leaders and 5 for followers. So everyone dances and no one has to wait without dancing.
At Dame2Salsa our groups are closed, something difficult to find in a dance class. Once each course starts (lasting 3 months), no new registrations are accepted until the beginning of the next course. This allows all students to have the same level within the class, advance at the same time and in a constant way, and avoids that someone who joined in the middle of the course felt lost, delaying the rest of the classmates.
Dame2Salsa - Cuban Rueda in Madrid - Dancing with our students in El SonDame2Salsa - Cuban Rueda in Madrid - Dancing with our students in AzúcarNos it seems essential to practice what we learned in class, and therefore we go out to dance with the students every week (or almost every week!), making wheels and having fun. We are not public relations of any disco or give us any favorable conditions anywhere, we just like to encourage our students to practice.
Are you ready to learn with Dame2Salsa? Contact us! info@dame2salsa.com
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Opening hours to the public of Dame2Salsa
Monday de 20:00 a 22:00
Wednesday de 20:00 a 22:00
Fryday de 20:00 a 22:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Dame2Salsa courses