VII Meeting of Salsa and Latin rhythms of la Mancha "ALBACETE EN SALSA 2016"
Cia. Salero Latino
Cia. Salsa & Más
Emilio & Puri
Fran Hergueta & Encarni
Jose Miguel & Anabel
Jose Miguel y Ma José
Orlando Yohan y su Brigada Artísitica Joven
The Cultural Association "Friends of Cuba" Albacete, is pleased to announce the VII Meeting of Salsa and Latin rhythms of La Mancha, "Salsa Albacete in 2016", scheduled to be performed daily from 19 to 21 February.
This event will feature an edition more, by having as main characters, young figures dancing area, and featured guest lecturers and dance groups arrived from different regions and countries such as Italy and Portugal; meeting where all attendees can access introductory and advanced workshops of various dance and Latin rhythms.
After the jump in quality and assistance, from previous editions of this event, the organizers have prepared a varied, affordable program from an economic point of view, trying to reach all segments of the population and giving everyone a chance to dance .
We hope that all who attend, enjoy this 6th meeting made an effort to promote another form of leisure, to share experiences, to learn, to meet new friends, and why not to make known our city of Albacete, a city diverse and plural, because activities like this make us socialize and improve as human beings.