Conny & Dado
Our dance school is open to everyone, regardless of age, sentiments, dance partners or dance wishes. We strive to create a well-being place where generations meet harmoniously, fostering the joy of life and creativity, creating space for the most diverse dances and dance cultures to unfold and touch. Tradition meets modernity, good and old is combined with new ideas and progress.
Dance and its development are at the center of our lives. The various dance styles are danced by ourselves, which allows us to pass on sound knowledge to our students.
Our helpful, well-trained team, and above all our family, support us in all our endeavors, giving each and every one an open ear to his concerns. There is a family atmosphere and a cozy atmosphere that is appreciated by many of our dancers.
We cordially invite you to get to know our bright and fully air-conditioned premises, as our practice and events are open to those who do not attend courses.
Life is a dance ... in this sense, we look forward to many more years of dancing and are grateful for sharing our lives with and with so many dear people around us ...
Conny & Dado
Photos and videos
Dancing styles
Dance styles and experience of Conny & Dado