Estudi Dansa Montserrat
Dance has gone from being an entertainment for the kings and their courts and the audience of some important opera houses, to being a great popular show that thousands of people from all over the world contemplate and enjoy today.
It is the only scenic art that knows no limits of language and that expresses a multitude of ideas, moods and themes and at the same time surprises by the fantastic beauty of the movement.
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Estudi Dansa Montserrat
Monday de 10:00 a 21:00
Tuesday de 10:00 a 21:00
Wednesday de 10:00 a 21:00
Thursday de 10:00 a 21:00
Fryday de 10:00 a 21:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Estudi Dansa Montserrat courses