Guzmán Arts Escèniques
Guzmán Arts Escèniques does not forget the importance of the "tables". An artist with "tablas" is an experienced atista above the stage, who knows how to capture the public's attention and how to solve the misfortunes of live performance. For this reason, the centre will offer various exhibitions throughout the course so that students can develop what they learn in front of the audience.
We also take into account the artistic richness of receiving classes from teachers from other regions with a different vision of the art in question. In this way, workshops will be offered with teachers from outside the center to give the opportunity to learn about other styles and new ways of working.
And of course, to celebrate the end of the year and to analyse the objectives of an entire year, we organised an end-of-year festival where the 3 disciplines will come together to form a show dedicated to all the people who, with their support, encourage us to learn and enjoy the fantastic world of the show.
Photos and videos
Opening hours to the public of Guzmán Arts Escèniques
Monday de 09:30 a 21:30
Tuesday de 09:30 a 21:30
Wednesday de 09:30 a 21:30
Thursday de 15:30 a 21:30
Fryday de 17:00 a 20:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Guzmán Arts Escèniques courses