

Open today from 20:00 to 23:00


YouSalsa is the Monday party at Barcelona's Casino. It's not every Monday, check the poster every night and check our newsletters to sign up for the free list.

A place with class where you can dance without stomping with nice and beautiful people, who also know how to dance salsa.

An event where the teachers go to work, skip the steps you already know by heart, and teach you new steps to improve your dance.

A party in which, after a while of class, there is good music and you can dance a good while longer with the same people with whom you started the class.

A party where you can rest comfortably while sitting down and enjoying a good cocktail and chatting with the group of friends you've just met.

Photos and videos

12 December 2019

mui bien

Very good place!

Also I discovered that with you can have FREE entrances to the clubs!

Check it out and enjoyy!

27 October 2015

Gran taller y muy buen ambiente.

22 September 2015

Tenéis que ir! Apuntaros en lista y a bailar!

29 July 2015

En el taller fue muy divertido y me reí muchísimo. Me lo pasé en grande. Calor moderado!

29 July 2015

Muy guai... la entrada es gratuita, puedes pedir con antelación, en su página de facebook, que te pongan hasta 3 canciones que tu elijas, tienen un aforo máximo para que podamos bailar con espacio suficiente... me encanta!


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Request information


Calle Marina 19-21,
08005 - Barcelona,


Opening hours to the public of YouSalsa

Monday de 20:00 a 23:00

Dancing styles

Dancint styles you can dance at YouSalsa courses

It is your bussiness?

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