Oktover Salsa Fest 3.0. 2016


Alcaraz Estragué Isaac

Henry Rou y Fiama Gonzalez

Virgili Cedeño y Oscar
Tremendous weekend awaits us on 7 October.
Grand opening of the Opera disc from that Friday meeting your place on the route for dancers in the Opera SBK!
And for this great day better way to start than with the Oktover Salsa Fest 3.0 and the promotional party Marina dor Salsa festival.
free at 23.00 Full Project des class with Italy and then party till you drop. And for those who keep wanting more workshops Saturday morning and if the weather outdoor party in the hotel pool located just above the disco (but accompanies more shops) so guaranteed fun.
In the event that we are many and hold people and inform the place to party on Saturday night.
Artists confirmed **** ****
Full project Bellomo and Gigi Gigi des Bianco Italy
Salsa neighborhood Mario Layunta
Emiliano Sosa
Latinjam Alberto Godoy Rica Milena Muñoz Amo Dodic Gisela Javier Godoy Rica
Isaac Alcaraz Estragué
Carlos Goya
Henry Rou and Fiama Gonzalez
Virgili Cedeño and Oscar
Alex Rodriguez
And many more ....
Friday night workshop and drink 12 €
Friday night's party late Saturday workshops and 30 €
Hotel full board 28 €
That is more party hotel 40 €
Festival workshops and overnight hotel 58 €, Unbeatable!
If you want two hotel nights 86 €
.... Better impossible !!!