Schools with Salsa in Bayern classes
If you are looking to start dancing by doing Salsa courses in Bayern schools you have come to the right platform,because here are all the Salsa schools in some cities as that offer dance courses for your current and future level and for...
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5 results
LOCA Dance Project
München, Bayern
LOCA is a social dance project meant for everyone searching for a cool hobby, fun community and great people to spend time with while stepping out of their daily routine. LOCA was born after years of dealing first-hand with scripted courses and living personally the experience of social dancing. After teaching...
Salsa OnStage
Munich, Bayern
We awaken your dancer's heart in you with Caribbean rhythms, a family atmosphere, an extensive range of courses, a professional team of teachers, exciting events and wonderful people!
Come by, dance and have fun!
Your Salsa OnStage Team
Kizomba Asangi
Augsburg, Bayern
Kizomba Asangi is a dance school in Augsburg. It was founded by Joao Dontana in Augsburg in 2014. Since 2014, numerous dance enthusiasts have been attending Kizomba, Semba, Afro dance courses, intensive dance workshops, parties, seminars and festivals here. Kizomba Asangi has been organising the annual ``...
Munich, Bayern
CIRCULO DANCE SCHOOLS MUNICHWelcome to the CIRCULO dance schools in Munich!If you want to take a dance course, you've come to the right place. Individual dance steps and figures only form the basis. Dancing - detached from rigid consequences and the exciting interplay of leading and leading - that's what we want to...