Schools with Salsa en línea classes
If you want to do Salsa en línea classes very close to home, you've come to the right place.Here you have all the most up-to-date Salsa en línea courses that are started and to be started at all levels.Now all you have to do is choose...
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347 results
STUDIO11® La Escuela de Baile - PLAZA DE CASTILLA
Madrid, Madrid
Studio11 Madrid- La mejor Escuela de Baile para los aficionados más exigentes - ✔ Aprende a bailar con los mejores profesores de Madrid, ✔ Ponte en forma y conoce gente con la que salir a practicar, ✔ Entrena con amigos, ✔ Diviértete y disfruta de una experiencia en un entorno pensado para ti.
Albasit Artes y Danza
Albacete, Albacete
Albasit is an Arts Centre where different dance styles are taught. The disciplines that you can find in Albasit are many like: Ballroom Dances (with Latin and classic rhythms), Salsa en linea or cubana, Rueda Cubana, Tango Argentino, Modern Dance with different styles, Oriental and Bollywood Dance, Flamenco,...
Academia de Arte y Danza Lenny
Oviedo, Asturias
Además estamos especializados en montar coreografías nupciales, con vuestras canciones favoritas, desde la más romántica hasta la más divertida e inclusive realizamos las mezclas de las canciones, haciendo de esta forma, que podáis bailar en ese gran día, logrando que ese momento sea totalmente mágico. Somos muy...
U!dance Girona
Girona, Gerona
Opened in September 2016, u!dance Girona is one of the largest and most extensive schools in the u!dance network. You can learn to dance salsa, bachata, zumba, lindy hop, and activities for the little ones, such as U!kids, hip hop and others, whether you have never danced before or if you have an advanced...
Manisero Dance School
Sabadell, Barcelona
ESCUELA DE BAILE MANISERO The El Manisero de la Salsa school is located in Sabadell, at calle Rocafort nº 72. The facilities were renovated in April 2018 and we have a team of teachers with extensive experience.If you want, contact us and come to meet us. Try a class, meet the teachers and enjoy a familiar and...
Escuela de Danza Odil
Huesca, Huesca
The Odil dance school was born as a continuation of the school of María Pilar Sanvicente. For us, dance is an instrument through which music comes to life. Learning to handle it, like everything else in this life, requires time, perseverance and a desire to improve. Our main objective is to teach how to enjoy dance...
Centre Ball Mallorca (CBM)
Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares
Welcome to Center Ball Mallorca where classes for all ages are held every day. You can find different styles separated by levels. Our professionalism is backed by more than 15 years of experience in the world of dance. Thanks to our professional and personalized service together with our methodology, we guarantee...
Centro Angel Custodio
Granada/Granada, Granada
ANGEL CUSTODIO DANCE ACADEMY. New dance academy "Angel Custodio", located in the centre of Granada, next to Puente Verde ( la Sierra nº 24, calle Purche); where from Monday 19th October we will start the Latin Salsa and Bachata classes from 21:00 to 23:00, taught by Salsamon. Information telephone number:...
El Horno
Madrid, Madrid
School of Dance - Fitness Center- 12 rehearsal rooms. Flat Rate "All You Can Dance". Brooklyn Fitboxing Madrid Centre. El Horno organizes daily open classes that only cost 5€ so that who does not know the activity, can do it. These classes are published on Facebook and www.centroelhorno.comBeing a space located in...
Academia de Baile Sandra D. Vega
Leganés, Madrid
Since 2013 always offering you the best! If you want to have a fun time and disconnect from the routine of work, this is your place, you'll laugh like never before ... is proven! Try one of our dance classes without any commitment, you'll like it for sure!And if what you want is to learn from the best professionals...