Schools with Salsa en línea classes
If you want to do Salsa en línea classes very close to home, you've come to the right place.Here you have all the most up-to-date Salsa en línea courses that are started and to be started at all levels.Now all you have to do is choose...
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347 results
A Tiempo Escuela de Baile
Córdoba, Córdoba
Improve your dance skills with us! Discover the passion for dance in Córdoba! Our dance school offers bachata, salsa, and kizomba classes for all levels. Learn to move with grace and style to the rhythm of Latin music. Our experienced instructors will guide you through every step, from beginner to advanced. Join...
Arenys de Mar , Barcelona
Latín dance School. As Cuban Salsa, bachata and ballroom dance and more.