Schools with Modern dance classes
If you are looking for dance schools that offer Modern dance classes in your city, you have come to the right place.Here you have the best Modern dance courses near you and for all levels, ages and possible particularities.To view the...
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519 results
Baila Sevilla
San José de La Rinconada, Sevilla
Baila Sevilla was born as a movement, a lifestyle where everyone fits. All in unison for a single Passion.... the Ball. A group of dance enthusiasts who organise events and classes for all dance enthusiasts.
Do you live with us?
En Danza
Alicante, Alacant
In Dance! Because to be in dance implies movement, implies changes, implies new illusions, implies new challenges, implies horizons that expand, implies a new feeling, implies a way of living dance in all its variants, implies treading on new stages, implies new image, implies values, implies creativity, implies...
Escuela de Danza Le Parnasse
Madrid, Madrid
Come and enjoy Le Paranasse de la Danza through any of its disciplines: Ballet, Spanish Dance, Flamenco, Contemporary Dance and Modern Dance. Live it!
Giros Dance
Massnassa, Valencia
At school the children can choose different activities such as Ballet, Hip-hop, Funky, Contemporary, Sports Dance.... all of them focused on promoting rhythm, body expression, discipline, concentration, companionship and performing exhibitions and dance competitions.
Santander, Cantabria
Dance school located in Santader where you can learn different disciplines in a happy and fun atmosphere. In this academy you can start to learn or deepen if you have ever stopped dancing, returned with salsa, sevillanas or bachata.
Cáceres, Cáceres
In ProyectoArte Cáceres we offer a wide range of activities related to the artistic field, such as Dance, Music, Theatre and Plastic Arts. We offer classes in Classical Dance, Contemporary Dance, Latin Dances, Ballroom Dances, Funky, Modern Dance, Flamenco, Sevillanas and Belly Dance.If you are interested in some of...
San Fernando de Henares, Madrid
We have a staff of qualified teachers, ready to offer the greatest support and the necessary constancy and at the same time make learning fun. In the school we offer classes of all levels and ages, from beginners for those who take their first steps, to advanced classes and preparation for exams.
Since Dance On...
D´angus Dance
Madrid, Madrid
In latin rhythms, the "bad tongues" say that we are the best dance school in Madrid. Many of the best Cuban Salsa and Salsa en Línea dancers have passed through D' angus Dance (formerly Max Latino), and even some of the considered best teachers have learned to be with us. Many of them, and many of them, continue to...
Catch Da Flow Dance Center
Pamplona, Navarra
Catch Da Flow Dance Center (CDF) was founded in September 2017 by Oihane Zarranz and Kris Medina, with the aim of promoting dance, improving and complementing the training of Navarrese dancers.CDF Dance Center seeks to offer dancers a different training, based on knowledge of culture, choreographic creation and...
Escuela Artística Cristina Mesa
Málaga, Málaga
The Escuela Artística Cristina Mesa de Málaga is an educational centre focused on the creation of new dancers and artists. It offers a wide range of dance styles and courses, such as Classical Dance, Contemporary Dance, Flamenco, New Style, BreakDance, Sexy Style, Hip Hop, House, Modern Dance, Jazz, Pilates, Zumba,...