Schools with Contemporary dance classes
If you want to do Contemporary dance classes very close to home, you've come to the right place.Here you have the best Contemporary dance courses near you and for all levels, ages and possible particularities.To consult the courses and...
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Monzón, Huesca
Dance academy we find in Monzon where you can find different kinds of dance, performance, theatre, body expression, fitness activities such as pilates, aerobics, yoga...
Escuela de Baile y Fitnnes Pilar Rivas
Madrid, Madrid
"And so after waiting so long, one day like any other I decided to succeed... I decided not to wait for opportunities but to look for them myself, I decided to see each problem as an opportunity to find a solution"....We feel totally identified with these words of Walt Disney in our case our dream is already a...
No·Ba Danza Studio
Madrid, Madrid
CHILDREN'S CLASSES: For the youngest, from 3 to 5 years old, we have Pre-Ballet classes. For children from 6 to 9 years old, we have Ballet, Modern Dance, Flamenco, initiation to Contemporary Dance, Flooring & Stretching.ADULT CLASSES: For adults, we have a wide variety of styles and levels. Ballet medium /...
Smile Danza
Palencia, Palencia
Smile Danza is a multidisciplinary dance academy, that is why our teaching methodology allows anyone to learn to enjoy dance in a fast and entertaining way, offering levels for everyone. We focus our classes on all those who seek to improve their physical condition through different disciplines: pilates, classical...
Empezar de Cien
Madrid, Madrid
The School of Dance and Performing Arts located in Madrid's Puente de Vallecas district. It responds to training in Dance, Interpretation and Singing. Classes by level and age. Extensive timetable. Classes from 3 years of age.From 3 years old: PREDANZA, MODERN DANCE, HIP HOP, MUSICAL THEATRE, SPANISH DANCE, SINGING,...
Dance Factory
Alcorcón, Madrid
Dance Factory is a school where the family atmosphere prevails, the most important thing of this center is you, who come every day to learn, have fun, take care of yourself and spend some time surrounded by the best company.
We have several teachers, all of them qualified professionals with great experience in...
Baila Sevilla
San José de La Rinconada, Sevilla
Baila Sevilla was born as a movement, a lifestyle where everyone fits. All in unison for a single Passion.... the Ball. A group of dance enthusiasts who organise events and classes for all dance enthusiasts.
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Escuela Gloria Alba
Madrid, Madrid
The centre has two clearly differentiated slopes:Ludic: In the playfulness classes will be given for all those people who do not have in their interest the formation and/or professional dedication although to learn and to enjoy with the dance.Professional: The Professional is dedicated to the preparation and...
Centro de Danza Víctor Ullate
Alcorcón, Madrid
In 1983, Victor Ullate founded the School of Dance and AAEE Victor Ullate, a Center of Excellence, which offers a Private Degree in Classical Dance, Integral Actor and Modern Dance and has trained dancers of international prestige, such as Tamara Rojo, Ángel Corella, Joaquín de Luz or Lucia Lacarra, currently...
En Danza
Alicante, Alacant
In Dance! Because to be in dance implies movement, implies changes, implies new illusions, implies new challenges, implies horizons that expand, implies a new feeling, implies a way of living dance in all its variants, implies treading on new stages, implies new image, implies values, implies creativity, implies...