Schools with Ballet classes
If you want to do Ballet classes very close to home, you've come to the right place.Here you will find the best offers of Ballet courses for all people, levels and ages possible.To view the courses, simply enter the Ballet school on the...
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640 results
Wannadance Escuela de Baile
San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid
Private training Wannadance through intensive or annual courses. Each student will receive a diploma upon completion of the course. You will be certified for the hours of training and subjects taught.
Professional title of ACADE Dance. Our centre is part of ACADE (Association of autonomous private educational...
Nuar Nair Escuela de Danza
Paterna, Valencia
A school where you can find high quality teachers, a wide variety of timetables and activities for young and old. A place where you can train and prepare to be professional in this art that we love so much, Dance and above all a space where you can ENJOY.WE LOVE TO DANCE! COME AND ENJOY
Ateneo de Música y Danza
Málaga , Málaga
We have been recognized as one of the best music and dance schools in the country, so people think we are a school for people with purchasing power. Nothing could be further from the truth, in our school the studies are worth the same as in the others, but in addition we homologate your education, very few can say...
Escuela de Baile Hermanos Agramunt
Manises, Valencia
The Escuela de Baile Hermanos Agramunt was born out of the discipline, enthusiasm and effort of a long professional career.Our main objective is to promote dance, training and artistic education for children, young people and adults, through both disciplined and fun classes.Throughout our career we have had the...
Dansa Marisa Yudes
Badalona, Barcelona
Marisa Yudes l'Equip is a School Authorized by the Generalitat. It was founded in 1977, and throughout all these years has managed to position itself among one of the reference schools in Catalonia.This is the result of our self-demand to always have a quality training, based on our system and the high qualification...
Escuela de Danza Cristina Ros
Puerto de Sagunto, Valencia
The Cristina Ros Dance School is a young school born in September 2017. We intend to give a high quality training accompanied by an exhaustive follow-up, providing the student with this training in a pleasant and relaxed environment.In addition to the technique, we aim to train students by providing values such as:...
Escuela de Ballet Miriam Sicilia
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
The Miriam Sicilia School of Ballet opens its facilities in Pozuelo de Alarcón in 2001, with the following facilities
the aim of offering quality teaching in all forms of dance.
Our centre stands out for the use of modern teaching methods, as well as for the training of our students.
of the teaching staff in...
Badalona, Barcelona
Danzalona is a multidisciplinary dance school located in Badalona. We teach dance, performing arts and corrective methods for all ages.We teach Ballet, Flamenco, Spanish Dance, Modern Jazz, Commercial Dance, Orient Dance, Zumba, Salsa, Cheerleaders, Acrobacio, Singing and Musical, as well as corrective methods such...
Estudio de Danza Cristina Lozano
Puerto de Sagunto, Valencia
ESTUDIO DANZA CRISTINA LOZANO assumes an unavoidable commitment to support non-profit institutions that fight for and for humanitarian causes. In this sense, one of the complementary activities is destined to carry out DANCE GALAS in benefit of Associations collecting funds in programs of humanitarian aid.
Ballet Ópera Ontinyent
Onteniente, Valencia
The Ballet Ópera entered the artistic world in 1987 offering a door to all the dancers who are trained both in the Centro de Danza Ópera created the same year in the city of Ontinyent as in other centers, so that they can develop in all its facets and in any place, whether stage, street, square etc..Throughout its...