Sonenti will try to promote dance through activities related to this passion that unites us; among them (Convivences, Workshops of formation for all the amateur and professional public, nocturnal events, matinees, Quedadas and unions with prestigious schools, enjoying the teaching of the best monitors of the national and international panorama, offering variety to all the community, Sports activities, Excursions, Current news of the world of the Dance, congresses, etc.). Enjoy the magic of this world.
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Sonenti
Monday de 21:00 a 22:30
Tuesday de 21:00 a 22:30
Wednesday de 21:00 a 22:30
Thursday de 21:00 a 22:30
Fryday de 21:00 a 22:30
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Sonenti courses