Dance Factory
Dance Factory is a school where the family atmosphere prevails, the most important thing of this center is you, who come every day to learn, have fun, take care of yourself and spend some time surrounded by the best company.
We have several teachers, all of them qualified professionals with great experience in the teaching field. Since 2009 it has had Pilates classes and now with the merger that it has made with the new study (ezgpilates), has in its facilities with the best professionals and the most advanced machines in the market.
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Dance Factory
Monday de 08:00 a 23:00
Tuesday de 08:00 a 23:00
Wednesday de 08:00 a 23:00
Thursday de 08:00 a 23:00
Fryday de 08:00 a 23:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Dance Factory courses