La Forja Dance Academy
"According to the way each one walks, it is possible to know if he has found his way. The man who approaches his goal no longer walks, he dances" - Nietzsche
Thanks for so many years of trust, the desire to build a place where we can forge our dreams has finally materialized.
Remember to always find time to enjoy those things that make you feel alive
Welcome to The Forge
Request information
Opening hours to the public of La Forja Dance Academy
Monday de 10:30 a 22:30
Tuesday de 10:30 a 22:30
Wednesday de 10:30 a 22:30
Thursday de 10:30 a 22:30
Fryday de 10:30 a 22:30
Saturday de 10:30 a 14:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at La Forja Dance Academy courses