Loco Valencia Salsa
LOCO VALENCIA SALSA is an Academy of Cuban dances. In our classes you will learn the style and the way of dancing of the Cubans, their partner rotation and their turns, their rich and dynamic movements, and above all you will let yourself be infected by the spirit of fun that is the fundamental characteristic of these dances.IF YOU WANT HAVE HIGH QUALITY SALSA CLASSES, MEET A NEW FRIENDS AND HAVE FUN AT THE SAM TIME LOCO VALENCIA SALSA IS THE PLACE FOR YOU!
We teach both in Spanish and English!

Request information
Opening hours to the public of Loco Valencia Salsa
Monday de 19:00 a 22:00
Tuesday de 19:00 a 22:00
Wednesday de 19:00 a 22:00
Thursday de 19:00 a 22:00
Fryday de 19:00 a 22:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Loco Valencia Salsa courses