Escuela de Baile Stella Di Danza
We are Specialists in Latin Dances with 4 levels from 0 to Medium. We are one of the most specialized dance schools in Madrid in this sector with Classes 7 days a week, both in the mornings and afternoons with more than 1,000 m2 of facilities + Summer Terrace + 4 Separate Large Rooms. If you are thinking about learning to dance in Madrid, we are the best option for those who want to learn to dance in Parla with a lot of time flexibility and different styles.
Open Doors Week + 50 hours a month to come at any time and valid for all levels, 7 full days for only € 20 per month and without any commitment of permanence.
🔎Lunes, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays if you sign up for the Total we discount.
↳📣 +50 Clases🔝 If Incredible that they do not tell you and see for yourself. Try it without commitment before enrolling!
🏁 Exclusive New Clients.
↳🎼🎼 Flat Rate Round Trips We Are Specialists.🔝
Make your reservation for Whatsapp NOW! ☎️675 444 290
✅4 Levels Separated from 0.
✅Salsa Line and Cuban. Rueda Casino.
✅No you must have Continuity are classes independent of each other, adapted to the level.
✅Por Mornings and Afternoons
✅Todas the hours of your Level and one below to retrieve or review.
✅No requires a partner. We put it
✅Aprendes with Many Teachers, consul different styles variety of learning, technique and difficulty.
✅Clases for Mornings and Afternoons from Monday to Friday
✴Tarifa Flat Beginners Level 30€Months
✴Tarifa Flat Basic Level. 35€Months
✴Tarifa Flat Basic LevelMedium 40€Months
✴Tarifa Flat Medium Level. 45€Months
✴Tarifa Flat Middle Level-Avan 50€Months
These prices are paying 1 month and for 1€/hour of Class plus you can come 7 days a week including the Intensive Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon.
<font color="#ffff00">-=🏢=- sync:ßÇÈâÈâ You WIN us everything else.
24 Paris Street, opposite Carrefour El Ferial. ParlaEast
#Dance #Salsa #Bachata #Kizomba🕺🕺es an EXPERIENCE. 🎁
We are specialists from 0, you will meet New People!
Info Whatsapp 675 444 290
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Escuela de Baile Stella Di Danza
Monday de 10:00 a 23:00
Tuesday de 10:00 a 23:00
Wednesday de 10:00 a 23:00
Thursday de 10:00 a 23:00
Fryday de 10:00 a 23:00
Saturday de 10:00 a 23:00
Sunday de 10:00 a 23:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Escuela de Baile Stella Di Danza courses