In Torrelaguna, northern of Madrid, there is ClariFit, which is constantly evolving, so that little by little we can develop different dance, fitness, pilates activities ...
It has regular classes of Fitness Dance, where the bases of different dance styles are learned: modern, urban, ragga, funky, vogue, house ...
There are also specific workshops of various dance styles or themes: Grease Musical, Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Vogue, Oriental Dance ...
Our desire and intention is to make it possible for this area of Madrid to offer specialized classes of the dance styles that are most booming
Request information
Opening hours to the public of ClariFit
Monday de 18:00 a 22:00
Tuesday de 17:00 a 22:00
Wednesday de 18:00 a 21:00
Thursday de 17:00 a 22:00
Fryday de 10:00 a 12:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at ClariFit courses