Academia López Infante
The minimum age to enrol in our school is 3 years old. From this age and up to the age of 8, we try to get our little dancers to associate dance with a fun and exciting activity, allowing them to acquire their motor skills at their own pace, giving them freedom of movement, where each child can express their personality.
We stimulate and motivate them with different movements through which they get to know everything they can do with their bodies, which are, after all, the whole basis of the dance: walking, crawling, crawling, lifting, pulling, lengthening, stroking, swinging, jumping, falling, running, twitching, sliding, resting, pushing, shrinking, stretching, floating, rubbing, turning, hitting, sinking, bouncing, rolling, rubbing, jumping, shaking, shaking, shaking, pulling, touching, twisting, passing...
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Academia López Infante
Monday de 10:00 a 22:00
Tuesday de 10:00 a 22:00
Wednesday de 10:00 a 22:00
Thursday de 10:00 a 22:00
Fryday de 10:00 a 22:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Academia López Infante courses