Academia de Danza Fide Parrilla
The Fide Parrilla Dance Academy was founded in September 1995 under the direction of a young teacher from the island of Fide Parrilla, whose first students were girls from the Nieves Toledo Public School, who became part of what would become the new Dance Company. From then on a process of tireless work began which soon bore fruit, since for the first time the Association of Dance Teachers of Las Palmas admitted among its members a dance teacher from the island of Lanzarote, it was then that Fide Parrilla became part of that Association.
Both Fide Parrilla and its students worked hard to open a gap in the world of dance in the Canary Islands, as they did not stop attending various events related to the world of dance as representatives of Lanzarote in numerous regional and national events.
It was in later years, when this academy managed to reach the International Dance Days held in Lisbon, sending their students, who received classes from teachers as illustrious as the great dancer Magdalena Popa (Romania), Ileana Iliescu (Romania), Sergiu Stefansky (Canada), Arlette Kunz (Switzerland), Liliana Pavlovsky (Romania), Miguel Montañez (Canary Islands), Wendy Artiles (Canary Islands), Robert Campanella (Italy), Laura Atwood (New York), Alexei Kozakov (Russia), Ana manzoni (Portugal) and our great teacher and Director of the Association of Dance Teachers of Las Palmas Gelu Barbu (Romania).
Since 1999, we began to perform ballet examinations by the National Association of Teachers of Dancing of Great Britain, the students were prepared by the official trainers of Canary Islands Miguel montañez and Wendy Artiles, obtaining the vast majority of insurmountable grades, through these examinations students who completed all courses could obtain the higher qualification of classical dance, intended for teaching, as well as professional certification for young figures in this artistic discipline.
Today Fide Parrilla continues to work with its students, from quite early ages with the aim of forming good dancers who can make their way in the world of dance inside and outside the Canary Islands.
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Request information
Opening hours to the public of Academia de Danza Fide Parrilla
Monday de 17:00 a 21:00
Tuesday de 17:00 a 21:00
Wednesday de 17:00 a 21:00
Thursday de 17:00 a 21:00
Fryday de 17:00 a 21:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Academia de Danza Fide Parrilla courses