

Open today from 17:30 to 22:00


iDance was born under the direction of Lola González to create a space in Madrid where you can learn and enjoy dancing all the disciplines of modern dance. Whether by hoobie or by a clear professional vocation our iDancers find in our facilities the ideal place to develop the Dance as a form of expression and integration between them.

For all ages, for all disciplines and for all levels, iDance opens its doors for all those people who know how important it is to say "IDance" or "I dance".

Idancer is the dancer who dances with us at IDance, the one who enjoys our facilities, our teachers, the one who creates with us a big family.

For them we have great advantages, such as access to professional jobs, special discounts and the chance to meet great artists from various disciplines. You already know if you want to belong to our family you just have to come and dance at IDance Dance School.

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Calle Palermo, 47,
28043 - Madrid,


Opening hours to the public of iDance

Monday de 17:30 a 22:00

Tuesday de 18:00 a 21:00

Wednesday de 17:30 a 22:00

Thursday de 18:00 a 21:00

Fryday de 17:30 a 21:30

Saturday de 10:00 a 18:00

Dancing styles

Dancint styles you can dance at iDance courses

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