Centro D-Danza Encarni Rivas
D-Danza is a centre equipped with high quality teachers, experienced teachers and official studies that guarantee their pedagogical systems to optimise and ensure quality teaching to our students. Enthusiastic professionals and lovers of the performing arts who will transmit to their students the love and respect for the arts. Our students will receive a regulated training through their own pedagogical study plans. Because at D-Danza we want to take your passion for the arts to the next level and for that we offer high quality teaching.
We work in a wide variety of artistic disciplines:
Spanish dance and all its aspects (d.estilizada, flamenco, bowling school, folklore)
Classical dance and for the youngest pre-ballet.
Latin rhythms, sports dances and ballroom dances.
Acrodanza for children and adults
Yoga, Pilates and a healthy back.
Classes for babies and breasts such as yoga for babies, babymove (fine spicomotricity and rhythm) and music, rhythm and dance for 2 and 3 year olds.
Oriental dance
Personal training with my fullness techniques and alternative therapies.
Go to our website www.d-danza.es and download our schedule. The first class will always be free, reserve your place at info@d-danza-es
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Centro D-Danza Encarni Rivas
Monday de 17:30 a 21:30
Tuesday de 17:30 a 21:30
Wednesday de 09:30 a 21:00
Thursday de 09:30 a 21:30
Fryday de 17:30 a 21:30
Saturday de 17:30 a 21:30
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Centro D-Danza Encarni Rivas courses