Dansa Marisa Yudes
Marisa Yudes l'Equip is a School Authorized by the Generalitat. It was founded in 1977, and throughout all these years has managed to position itself among one of the reference schools in Catalonia.
This is the result of our self-demand to always have a quality training, based on our system and the high qualification of the teachers who make up the team. Of course, our passion for dance and for our students has been and continues to be our driving force to develop this task. Today we can boast of thousands of satisfied students and of having contributed to the fact that many dance lovers have been able to realize the dream of becoming professional dancers.
The School follows the system of the RAD, Royal Academy of Dance, so students can be examined annually, obtaining a grade awarded by this organization and recognized worldwide. The ADR allows them to improve and see their progress year after year.
At Marisa Yudes l'Equip we think that each student is different, requires personal attention and familiar treatment. We like our students to combine their dance training with the experience on stage and that's why from an early age they do contests, open doors and festivals.
Not only do we teach dance but also to have an attitude towards life, we understand error as an opportunity to improve and not as a negative aspect to be ashamed of. We care about the happiness of our students, that's why we advise them and also their parents. In this way they introduce dance into their lives in a way that makes them happy. We don't just pursue the goals, but we give a lot of importance to the way our students live and understand dance.
Our mission is to instill a love of dance in today's young people and to train tomorrow's dancers.
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Dansa Marisa Yudes
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Dansa Marisa Yudes courses