360grados Danza Contemporánea
360grados Danza Contemporánea is a school of Classical Dance, Contemporary Dance and Alternative Training. Space of creation, which proposes to investigate the body in movement with a vivid background in sensations achieving an energy that transcends.
360GRADOS is born from a restlessness and itching to delve deeply into the movement behind an enveloping energy, vivid images and sensations. The choreographic processes start from a physical as well as conceptual search in which the interpreters are fully involved in the creative work.
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of 360grados Danza Contemporánea
Monday de 09:30 a 21:00
Tuesday de 09:30 a 21:00
Wednesday de 09:30 a 21:00
Thursday de 09:30 a 21:00
Fryday de 09:30 a 21:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at 360grados Danza Contemporánea courses