Paso Triple
Paso Triple was born in Vitoria-Gasteiz to promote knowledge about Swing, Lindy Hop and Tap through regular courses and other activities. We are fans of Swing and we want to give it to you. We have classes of all levels and schedules and we have a first level teacher. The school is right in the center of the city and our parties and socials are among the best known, you have to try them!
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Paso Triple
Monday de 17:00 a 21:30
Tuesday de 17:00 a 21:30
Wednesday de 17:00 a 21:30
Thursday de 17:00 a 21:30
Fryday de 17:00 a 21:30
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Paso Triple courses