Murcia Dance Center
Murcia Dance Center is the first dance school in Murcia specialized in Urban Dance, directed by choreographer Marhya Carsab. MDC is made up of specialized professionals, each in their own discipline, both nationally and internationally, teachers trained in the U.S., China, Paris, London and Barcelona, teachers competing in the prestigious TV program "Fama a Bailar". We have also been Spanish 2015 Hip Hop Champions (Junior category).
A fun and professional school within everyone's reach, from the youngest to the oldest, from different disciplines.
Fight for your dreams

Request information
Opening hours to the public of Murcia Dance Center
Monday de 16:30 a 22:30
Tuesday de 16:30 a 22:30
Wednesday de 16:30 a 22:30
Thursday de 16:30 a 22:30
Fryday de 16:30 a 20:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Murcia Dance Center courses