Ybaila Mollet
Ybaila Mollet is a dance school with different schedules, prices and levels in Mollet del Vallés, Barcelona where you can learn SALSA CUBANA, BACHATA and other disciplines in a fun and unique way. Come and try a dance class at our centre and you will not regret it. Write to us and we will answer any questions you may have as soon as possible.
Start dancing this year with Ybaila Mollet dance school!
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Ybaila Mollet
Monday de 17:00 a 22:00
Tuesday de 17:00 a 22:00
Wednesday de 17:00 a 22:00
Thursday de 17:00 a 22:00
Fryday de 17:00 a 22:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Ybaila Mollet courses