OkiDance Academia de baile
Learn to dance at the OkiDance Academy of Dance in Barcelona and you will discover a magnificent world full of possibilities and joy.
There is a reason why dance is present in all cultures and countries of the world. We know why.... And you? You want to find out? Dance! Dance!
The music plays, you move your feet, your heart races and... a new smile appears on your face: Dance!
Contact us without obligation.
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of OkiDance Academia de baile
Monday de 11:00 a 23:00
Tuesday de 11:00 a 23:00
Wednesday de 11:00 a 23:00
Thursday de 11:00 a 23:00
Fryday de 11:00 a 23:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at OkiDance Academia de baile courses