We are a couple ("French" and "Spanish") who met for their mutual love of salsa dancing.
Many years of learning with the best Cuban, Spanish and French teachers, plus many hours of practice and fun dancing salsa, rueda de casino, bachata and kizomba prepared us.
From 2013 we began to share our passion for dance by giving classes first in Castelldefels and then continue in Ponts, Oliana, Solsona, Guissona, Artesa de Segre, Tarrega and now we settle in Cervera.
Our desire is to share our passion and knowledge with classes, animations and dance events.
Photos and videos

Request information
Opening hours to the public of LLEIDATANA SALSERA
Monday de 19:30 a 22:30
Tuesday de 20:30 a 22:30
Wednesday de 20:30 a 22:30
Thursday de 19:30 a 00:00
Fryday de 20:30 a 22:30
Sunday de 19:00 a 21:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at LLEIDATANA SALSERA courses