Escola de Dansa Magdanza
The Dance School MagDanza is going to create the year 2004 under the direction of Magda Requena. Since then, MagDanza has broadened its centre, increasing the number of disciplines and teachers. Currently we can offer you classes of classical dance, initiated to the dance, flamenco, Spanish dance, ball de saló, salsa, jazz, gymnastics of maintenance, dance of the vent, sevillanes, zumba....
At the beginning of the course (October) we have no groups and levels. During the month of Juliol fem different intensive courses. MagDanza has a nice atmosphere, a school where all the teachers make an effort because, through dance, gaudeixis and fun always!
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Escola de Dansa Magdanza
Monday de 17:00 a 23:00
Tuesday de 17:00 a 23:00
Wednesday de 17:00 a 23:00
Thursday de 17:00 a 23:00
Fryday de 17:00 a 23:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Escola de Dansa Magdanza courses