SOCIAL KIZOMBA 100% en el centro de Barcelona
Consulta la pagina facebook Kiz Nation para las actualizaciones
entrada 6 euro consumicion
RAKATA BARCELONA is a place that offers parties, events and cocktails in Barcelona.
Every Thursday of every week we have a party with dance class KIZOMBA (above) and SALSA/BACHATA (below) SOCIAL 100% KIZOMBA and URBANKIZ (above) SALSA BACHATA (below) and right in the center of Barcelona. For more information on this party check Antony Tarraxa's Facebook page for updates on each night's lineup. Entry 10 euro with drink.
Resident DJ Antony TarraXa
SOCIAL KIZOMBA 100% en el centro de Barcelona
Consulta la pagina facebook Kiz Nation para las actualizaciones
entrada 6 euro consumicion
Opening hours to the public of RAKATA CLUB
Thursday de 21:00 a 01:00
Dancint styles you can dance at RAKATA CLUB courses