Boteco Do Brasil
When you visit Boteco Do Brasil, the things that make Brazil such an attractive place immediately come to mind: Colorful, vibrant, fresh and exotic! Scotland can be far from Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, but in Boteco you can try a bit of Brazil even on rainy days.
Each day is a unique and different party in Boteco, but on Wednesdays and some Saturdays we dedicate them to Salsa, to move your hips and feet non-stop! We also perform live band concerts on Fridays and Saturdays.
Photos and videos
Request information
Opening hours to the public of Boteco Do Brasil
Monday de 11:00 a 03:00
Tuesday de 11:00 a 03:00
Wednesday de 11:00 a 03:00
Thursday de 11:00 a 03:00
Fryday de 11:00 a 03:00
Saturday de 11:00 a 03:00
Sunday de 11:00 a 03:00
Dancing styles
Dancint styles you can dance at Boteco Do Brasil courses