LaLuna Bailes de salón
LaLuna Bailes de salón

LaLuna Bailes de salón

Open today from 23:45 to 01:00


The best place to dance in the Sierra of Guadarrama. We organize on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays tango parties, ballroom and salsa dances, and many other parties, ask us about our events and reservations!

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Calle Real, 34,
28450 - Collado Mediano,


Opening hours to the public of LaLuna Bailes de salón

Fryday de 23:45 a 01:00

Saturday de 23:30 a 05:00

Sunday de 19:00 a 00:00

Dancing styles

Dancint styles you can dance at LaLuna Bailes de salón courses

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