Masterclass Kizomba Harmony (Houston-USA) in Barcelona - Thu 23 Feb

KizomBaobab & KizLuscious we have the great privilege of receiving in EXCLUSIVE in BARCELONA to visit a few artists and teachers who until now we could only admire in the distance already residing in Houston (USA): Monica Kay & Billy - KIZOMBA HARMONY
Well, in short, we are easily among the teachers of Kizomba / Semba trained, versatile and effective in the industry. We have traveled all over the world to teach and train with the best talent in the world, and still do. In fact, we have taught or acted in 10 countries (and counting), and we have registered hundreds and hundreds of hours of in depth training with more than 30 world-class instructors in Kizomba, Semba, Tarraxinha, Movement of Body African, Soukous, Urban Kiz / 2.0 / "French Style" Kizomba and other african rhythms. In addition, we were International Finalists (the ten best couples of the world!) in the edition 2016 of AfricAdancar, the most prestigious competition of Kizomba in the world, having the honor of being the second partner of the EE.US have gotten it.
- Youtube channel:
- Kizomba Harmony Monica Kay and Billy Myles Kizomba Floorcraft Social Dance Demo
- 2016 AfricaDancar USA - Billy & Monica Show
- 2016 AfricaDancar USA improvisation - Billy & Monica
- 18:45 Opening of the doors
- from 19:00 to 20:00 Workshop Kizomba with Judith THETIS
- from 20:30 to 22:00: MASTERCLASS with Monica & Billy
PRICE: 15,-€
- Students KizMasala monthly: 5,-€
- Students Whatsapp KizLuscious: 10,-€
- Friends of Whatsapp KizLuscious: 12,-€
Academy Masala Bollywood
Carrer d'en Roig, 30 - Raval BCN
Whatsapp or sms to +34/656592435
With Name and Surname (family name and "nickname" on fb)
DINNER: after the workshop, we will go to dinner at a nearby restaurant, the people who want to join us, please confirm when you submit the message, whatsapp or sms to be able to make the table reservation. Each one pays what they consume.
The squares are very LIMITED by issues of CAPACITY so early booking ESSENTIAL. Limited access only to persons on lists. PAYMENT AT DOOR (cash, exact amount).
The workshop will be in English but we will have 2 people to translate. Don't let the language be a hindrance in your learning.
I hope!