Bachatea Sensual 29/12 The Host

This Thursday, December 29th in THE HOST BACHATEA, we have the following program and celebrate the birthday of our friend and teacher Arlu Salsa:
21:00 to 21:40 Modern Bachata with Berra and Laura
21:40 a 22:20 Bachata Sensual Marco Espejo and Evelyn
22:20 a 23:00 Bachata Fusion with Arlu and Eli
Feast of 23:00 to 3:00 with the best music of Dj Edgar Aguirre and Dj Pier Alva, animations, meneitos and dances with the whole team, you can not miss it and we hope you !!
Price Entry: € 8 includes consumption
Organized by: Pablo Vilches
Infoline: 605882058