Open doors

This morning we searched this word for our classes ...
Property or set of inherent in something, you can judge their value properties.
Suitability of a product or service to the specified characteristics.
Status of a person, nature, age and other circumstances and conditions required for office or dignity.
Set of conditions that contribute to make the pleasant, dignified and valuable life.
And from these meanings teach and enjoy sharing with people in our classes ... because we are all people continuously study and growth, just that some took longer journey ...
You dare?
If you're not yet have a puntado a week of open doors Dance Emotion, there's still time.
If you want to start with a different feminine style, take this opportunity to start, because then we will be ahead 4 levels LADIESTYLE OVER !!!
GIROS, arms, hands, STEPS AND MUCH FREE trainig.
We wait in DanceMotion next week!
Tuesday 13/09
21h - Salsa Couples started 3
22h - Salsa Couples Home
Thursday 15/09
20h - Salsa Couples Start 2
21h - Female Style Level 1
22h - Salsa Couples Intermediate 3