BachatACM 2016


Josep & Mónica

Sergi & Laura
For the faithful to bachata rhythm, comes this congress Hotel Atmella with a large cast of teachers and workshop to enjoy this rate. There will also be some salsa and kizomba workshop not to saturate or relax.
As you know, the full pass at 69 € includes:
- Triple / Quad
- Pension completeretros one day (lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast Sunday All free buffette with water and wine at meals.).
Saturday -Fiesta
At the moment, we show their good work:
- Josep and Monica
- Sergio Tapasco
- Javi Conesa
- Tony and Elis
- Aitor and Marta
- Sixto Duque
- Carlos Soto
- Oscar and Neus
- Gonza and Ivana
- Sergi and Laura
- Albita and Luis
- Lau and Juli
Start making your reservation, the price will rise as sold the first 100 full pass!
And remember, the best atmosphere and the best price / quality ratio always find ACMsalsa!
More information:
Tel / Whats: 675302664