5 tricks to get the perfect spin when you dance salsa

5 tricks to get the perfect spin when you dance salsa
In the salsa lessons I have done over the years I have been very lucky for dance teachers I have ever had. They have always repeated countless details to correct technique, posture, and all this time, so that the dance movement was smoother, easier, more beautiful and of course to get to enjoy more. And you know what?, They were right.... + read more

4 tricks to get the perfect spin to the girl to dance salsa

4 tricks to get the perfect spin to the girl to dance salsa
When you dance salsa with a girl there is a time that someone tells you what are his keys to be able to give one, two or three perfect spins, seemingly effortless and stylish. In fact, these tips are often small details that if you consider and apply to the dancing, the movements become more fluid, easier, with less effort and thus are infinitely better. After years dancing and attending to salsa classes in different dance schools I can tell you the four things that have helped me to make the turns to the girls much easier while I dance salsa.... + read more

What to do to attend a congress of Salsa, Bachata or Kizomba

What to do to attend a congress of Salsa, Bachata or Kizomba
When I started dancing salsa I thought people were aimed to join salsa lessons to learn some steps and to apply them in their usual club. I did not know you could go dancing at many sites and that existed salsa congresses and festivals worldwide. That time passed, I made more salsa lessons, I started to dance in dance clubs, I signed up to other styles of dance (bachata, Kizomba ...) and eventually my interest was piqued by attending a congress of salsa and bachata to learn more, try other teachers and teaching methods and have a great time dancing. ... + read more

What to do to get a guy to dance

What to do to get a guy to dance
It is your salsa night, like every week you go to your ideal ballroom where you love to go... you are beautiful, you are pretty ... very cute! You take with you the urge to move your body and your shiny dance shoes ready, those that you love to were. you arrive at the place. You put your shoes on and you look around. Suddenly, it sounds a song you love so you want to dance. You stand there, furtively looking around but nobody approaches you to dance ... and what do you do? Do you stay standing or to sit you become a little frustrated because you wanted to dance to that song? Sure or you or a friend of yours sometime have been through this situation ...but that’s over. It is time to take control!... + read more

How to choose the perfect dance course for you

How to choose the perfect dance course for you
At some point in your life something happen to your head and you decide you want to start dancing or you want to improve your dancing style in a dance school, right? Whether you have recently started to dance or you have been dancing a few years there are always decisions that must be taken if you want to keep improving. It arises questions like; Do I pointed to a school dance or simply go and learn to dance alone? What school dance I sign up? What dance style I do? At what time are the dancing classes? What if I want to do different styles? In any case today we want to tell you what you should look for choosing the perfect dance course for you.... + read more

How dare you get to dance with a girl

How dare you get to dance with a girl
Have you ever been in a ballroom, you are watching people dancing, you see a girl while she is dancing and you say to yourself ... "The next song I will ask to dance with her for sure." The next song arrives and there is something inside of you that do not let you move, you get stucked and scared and you do not say anything to her. In that moment you feel frustrated with yourself and start telling excuses such as: the next song I will go, this song is too fast so it is better to dance the next one, I think he knows more than I do ... How many excuses you can get put?... + read more

4 tricks to remember all the steps learned in class

4 tricks to remember all the steps learned in class
Have you ever been dancing and you can’t remember the step you learned in your last class? it has happened to me many times and this gives me a lot of anger. It would be ideal to be able to remember all the steps that one has ever learned in classes, workshops or watching videos online. But the truth is that we do not remember the movements and we have done a thousand of things to try it such us putting names to the steps, recording them on video or watching them again and again. But you wonder why this is not enough? The problem is how the memory process works and what we do is not all we need to do to remember all the steps.... + read more

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