I discovered kizomba in 2010 at the hands of ALC (AFROLATIN CONNECTION) with whom I took countless classes during the following years.
From his own hand I made his course for teachers and thus improve the didactics and the way of transmitting knowledge.
Later I got more involved in the roots of the kizomba culture and, together with Tania ya, we took classes to improve the style with Rico Suave and Adda, and Tony Viser and Carla. The latter greatly influenced Tania, who became involved in learning the Ginga both in kizomba, as in Semba and tarraxinha, giving the girls much clearer concepts about their style when dancing and tools to enrich their dance.
Currently we continue to teach regular classes in schools in León with classes of different levels and special Ginga-only classes for girls.
We also participate in the line up of numerous congresses where we can present our work with great enthusiasm and, above all, with a lot of fun.
Photos and videos
KIZOMBA KL next events
These are the next events where KIZOMBA KL will participate soon
Dancing styles
Dance styles and experience of KIZOMBA KL