Jorge y Wualexa
Jorge and Wualexa is the stage name of Jorge Aguilar (Mexican) Wualexa Gonzàlez (Venezuelan). They currently reside in Barcelona, Spain but have been working together for a few years.
They began their collaboration in 2017 and to date they continue to captivate the world with their unique and unparalleled style.
Both have successful careers separately having worked with international artists such as (Gilberto Santa Rosa, Oscar de Leon and Ismael Miranda among others) in countries like China, Germany, the United States and many more.
Currently they continue to travel the world exposing their fusion of Latin rhythms (Salsa, Mambo, Pachanga, Afro, Boogaloo...) and also give dance classes in Barcelona where they have the dance company Melaza Company.
Follow them to be informed of their upcoming events and classes.
Dancing styles
Dance styles and experience of Jorge y Wualexa