Edu Miranda DJ
I was born on June 3, 1976 in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and went to
through my older brothers that since childhood I began to feel devotion for
what we nowadays know as "Salsa". Listening to those LPs every day
Fania Stars, La Sonora Ponceña, La Selecta, La Perfecta, El Gran Combo
of Puerto Rico, Celia Cruz and a long list of great artists who made
with the passage of time, I will not only enjoy the songs themselves, but I learned
to enjoy with each instrument that sounded in the songs. At 14 years old it used to be
who put the music in parties, meetings and others.
From those moments, I began to have the fortune of being able to attend live
great salsa concerts. Frankie Ruiz, Fania All Stars, Oscar D'León, Sonora
Ponceña, Cheo Feliciano, Johnny Pacheco, Hector Casanova, Tito Puente, El Gran
Combo de Puerto Rico, Lalo Rodríguez or Roberto Torres are some of the
I was able to see live between 14 and 16 years old and they made me vibrate and fall in love
not only of the Salsa, but especially, of the live performances, of that sound
unique that gives off a good instrumentation of a live orchestra.
Back in 1993 I am fortunate to meet a person who was teaching me
a lot about the world of salsa, of Cuban music and I was also getting into
full in the world of the Disc Jockey. Just one year later, in June 1994 and with
18 years old, this person allows me to practice as a Disc Jockey in a Discotheque. Starting
from that moment, with a lot of work, humility, professionalism and respect I have left
forging a path like Disc Jockey that has allowed me to be present in
many great events at the local, national and international level.
Be a Disc Jockey at great salsa concerts with many of the greatest stars
of salsa, be it in so many salsa congresses, latin parties, in discos
or party halls in all these years is the best of the rewards to almost 25 years of
work, sacrifice and learning without ever losing humility, professionalism
and respect for all other professionals and the general public. Luckily, this profession gave me the opportunity to live wonderful moments, to know a lot
people from whom I have learned and I continue to learn every day.
It has also allowed me to personally meet great artists, interview them or
just sit down with them to talk and learn. Some of those artists were,
Celia Cruz, Tito Puente, Oscar D'León, Frankie Ruiz, Cheo Feliciano, Jhonny Pacheco,
Rafael Ithier, Jerry Rivas, Maelo Ruiz, Hildemaro, Tony Vega, Willie Colón, Willie González,
Papo Rosario, Richie Bastar, Daniel Santacruz, Luis Miguel del Amarge, Hector Acosta "El
Torito ", Joe Veras, Tommy Olivencia, Jose Alberto" El Canario ", Raphy Leavitt, Roberto
Torres, Héctor Tricoche, Paquito Guzmán, Lalo Rodríguez, Papo Lucca, Rubén Blades,
Roberto Blades, Max Torres, Pupy Santiago, Juan Formell, Rey Ruiz or Tito Nieves.
Feeling respected and valued by the great artists of the genre, by many of my colleagues and, above all, by the public make me feel even more eager to
I hope to continue making progress every day to continue offering the best of me to that audience
that follows me Not only to that audience that follows me in my performances wherever I go, but
who follows me from more than fifty countries around the world through the
radio station, Salsabor Canario Radio, where I also share my knowledge about the genre and my musical tastes, music culture, news, etc.
In 2016, I was awarded the National Lifetime Achievement Award in Madrid
the Awards, "El Cotilleo" and in the year 2017 they give me the Prize to the Diffusion of the Dance
and the Latin Rhythms at the Gala Awards, Danzatlantica Canary Islands. Some prizes
that in addition to assessing my work, I "Oblige" to continue giving the best of me so that the
public that follows me, enjoy quality music, musical culture, anecdotes,
stories and always with respect, professionalism and humility. Now, in 2019 they are met
My 25 years of experience as a Professional DJ and I can only say, THANKS TO ALL.
Dancing styles
Dance styles and experience of Edu Miranda DJ