Yomil y El Dany
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Roberto Hidalgo Puentes (Yomil) born in Havana (Cuba) on October 9, 1991 and Daniel Munoz (El Dany) born in Havana (Cuba) on January 6, 1989. They are the members of the music group Yomil and El Dany.
Yomil y el Dany is a duo that has made a difference in the urban genre of Cuba since they came out with their first song 'Tengo pegá'. With their own style and a unique sound, totally different from the urban music made on the island, fans characterize the duo as 'Lo mas pegado de toda Cuba' since they pasted each song from their album titled 'Doping' and since then every song they release is a national and international hit.
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Dancing styles
Dance styles and experience of Yomil y El Dany