Fernandes & Janine
Biography Fernandes: Because of his African roots, Fernandes Luyengo came very early in contact with dancing. But his interest in dancing for himself, he discovered not until later. He deepened his knowledge in Hip Hop and various Latin American dances. He learned Salsa in all kinds of different styles, but his real passion are Bachata and Kizomba.
Biography Janine: Since she was four has dancing been her life. She began already early to develop herself in different Dances and calls the stage her home. She also worked as a Trainer of a Dance Group and was sucsessful with them in various competitions. Her Passion for dancing can be seen in her and she gladly passes it on to others. Regardless of Salsa, Kizomba or Bachata Sensual, she is always present with full energy.
Championnat Suisse Open 2016
1st Place Bachata
Championnant Suisse de Kizomba 2016
1st Place
2016 Bachata Sensual Instructor certified by Korke y Judith
Euro Bachata Quali Contest/ Demi finale Strasbourg Bachatart 2016
1st Place
Africadancar Germany 2016 Berlin
2nd Place
COPA - International
Salsa & Latin Dance Hungary Budapest X.-10. jan. 2015
1st Place Kizomba
1st European Kizomba Championships March 2015
3rd Place Kizomba
Championnat Suisse Open 2015
1st Place Bachata
Championnant Suisse de Kizomba 2015
1st Place
Kizomba Open Germany Qualification Karslruhe 2015
2nd Place
World BachataStars, Salamanca 2015
2015 Kizomba Teachers Training by AfroLatin Connection in Portugal
Photos and videos
Dancing styles
Dance styles and experience of Fernandes & Janine