Fabricio do Zangado
Fabricio Do Zangado is an International Angolan artist creator of the brand World Connexion and organizer of the TCHUNA" Festival in France.
He was born in Luanda/Angola, Fabricio is one of the best artist of the moment. Today his name ia associated in Kizomba, Semba, Afro-house, Kuduro, which are traditional dances of his country, but he is also Hip-Hop dancer and choreographer.
He has been dancing since his early childhood, following his older brothers and friends. He made is firsts appearances on stage on the Hip-Hop scene.
Fabricio Do Zangado start to teach the traditionals angolan dances since 5 years, but he had experience of teaching because of Hip-Hop.
He Created a International Dance Company with Manuel Dos Santos, and DJ Paraiso, "WORLD CONNEXION" who start to make noise in Canada, USA and Europe. Actually he organize a international festival "TCHUNA" in France.
Fabricio Do Zangado travel the wold to share his passion and vision of dance.
Actually you can found him in lot of internationals congress around the world: Miama Beach Festival, Tchuna Festival Intrenational, Suave Danse Festival, SensualDance, I Love Kizomba Sensual, Roma Kizomba Festival, Gindungo Festival and many others.
Booking ->
Phone : +33 6 19 09 78 36
Mail: worldconnexioncompany@gmail.com
Fabricio do Zangado next events
These are the next events where Fabricio do Zangado will participate soon
Dancing styles
Dance styles and experience of Fabricio do Zangado